The Healing Portals:
Foundation Series

Course Information

A Warm Welcome to The Earth Angel Academy and The Healing Portals’ Program

How to Receive the Transmissions


Sit in a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.

Breathe deeply and relax as you prepare to receive. You will most likely feel the Presence of the Portal as you link with it and download it into your field.

I am thrilled to be able to share these gifts with you. I hope that you benefit from them as much as I do.


What is a Healing Portal?

According to the dictionary, a portal is; "a doorway, gate or other entrance, especially a large and imposing one”.

The Healing Portals are transmissions of energy that provide you with access to higher frequencies. They are gateways to the Divine. They help you connect to your inner Self.


What is a chakra?

In Sanskrit, the word “ chakra” means “ disc” or “ wheel”. This refers to the energy centres in your body. There are seven major chakras that run along your spine. There is a soul-star chakra above your head and an earth-star chakra below your feet.

What is Sacred Geometry?

The Urban Dictionary defines Sacred Geometry as “the underlying geometry in nature”.  It is shapes in nature, fractals, recurring patterns and ratios. It is based on the idea that all consciousness (crystals, human DNA) is based on Sacred Geometry.

It includes:

Platonic Solids: the basic “building blocks” that make up this world,

Flower of Life: symbolizes creation and the unity of everything.

Why 12 Healing Portals?

The 12 portals are based on a vision I received of a template based on the Round Table of Camelot. I had a strong soul memory of this era.

“All for One and One for All” is the basis of unity and a core value of The Earth Angel Academy.

The Sacred Geometry template for The Healing Portals includes the Circle representing the Round Table and the 12 seats representing each Portal frequency. This a 12 pointed star dodecahedron which contains two connecting Star of David’s. I believe that this geometry creates a Stargate. As you sit in the centre of the round table, you activate your own Lightbody and prepare for Ascension.



⚘ Relaxation

⚘ Joy

⚘ The empowerment of ceremony 

⚘ The positive impact of intention 

⚘ Developing your imagination 

⚘ Filling your aura with high vibrations 

⚘ Affirmation for empowerment 

⚘ Positive Visualizations

⚘ A Talisman to add to your tool kit

Even though this is no longer a live transmission, we will be connected in the Timeless Field of Now. Everything is energy and where your attention goes, energy flows. You become what you focus on.

Nine 12 Week Modules

The Healing Portals have been organised in 12 week modules. The first 12 week series is called The Foundation.

The Foundation Series

The Courage Portal: Blue Ray of Archangel Michael

The Clearing Portal: Violet Ray of St. Germain

The Miracle Portal: Golden Ray of Christed Light

The Love Portal: Pink Ray of Unconditional Love

The Energy Portal: The Sun

The Healing Portal: Emerald Green Ray of Archangel Raphael

The Joy Portal: The Rainbow Ray

The Strength Portal: Tree Ally

The Unity Portal: Ocean / Dolphin Turquoise Ray

The Passion Portal: Earth and Fire / Red and Orange

The Purity Portal: Diamond Ray

The Infinity Portal



All imagery sourced from Unsplash, Shutterstock or Creative Commons.


Everything I share is based on my own personal perspective and direct experience of these frequencies over a long period of time. I encourage you to trust your own intuition and perspective while working with these Portals. Create your own personal relationship with these benevolent energies.

The Healing Portals do not replace traditional medical interventions. Please use them for upliftment and relaxation purposes only. The Earth Angel Academy releases all liability.

Please don’t share, or sell this material elsewhere.

All rights reserved.