The Infinity Portal: The Infinite and Eternal Ray

Welcome to the Infinity Portal: The Infinite and Eternal Ray

Core Vibrations: Eternal, Infinite, Grace

Signature Frequency: Endless Light

Primary I am Affirmation: I am Infinite and Eternal

Empowerment Gift: The Divine White Flame Healing Infinity Symbol


The Transmission

The Transmission for this portal is below for you to hear and enjoy. Remember to find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed and open yourself to receive.


Welcome Message From the Infinity Portal : The Infinite and Eternal Ray

I am Infinite Love and Light. I shine out from your eyes and I animate all form. I am Light and I am Dark. I am the Creative Spark out of which all creation arises. I am That I am. I exist as Eternity in a state of deep Oneness. Words don’t capture My Vibration but you can sense and feel Me. I am You and You are Me….together as Eternity.

The Infinity Portal and the Seven Sacred Powers


Take three deep breaths and fill yourself up with Infinite Light and Love. As you breathe in, visualize the Divine Healing Infinity Symbol clearing and healing your lungs.


Visualize a golden Divine Infinity Symbol clearing, opening and activating your third eye. Breathe this Healing frequency into your third eye.


Ask and intend that you will connect with and receive the benefits of the Divine Healing Infinity Symbol


Feel the joy and awe as you contemplate Infinity and feel the power of the Infinite as you connect with this Divine Power.


Receive the gift of the Divine White Flame Infinity Ray as a gift from the Creator. Allow your Higher Self to guide you as you interact and activate this Symbol of Enlightenment.


Use the affirmation : “I am One with All That Is. I am Eternal. I am Infinite. I am Healed and I am Whole. I am Love. I am Light. I am Free.”


Have faith in the unseen realms and trust in your own Higher Self to guide you on your journey to wholeness.

Ways to Work With the Infinity Portal : The Infinite and Eternal Ray

Healing With the Divine White Flame Infinity Ray

Visualize a beautiful Flame of Divine White Light in the centre of your heart. Now visualize the White Flame glowing in the centre-point of a huge infinity symbol. Breathe into this flame while filling your body up with this white light. See the Divine Infinity Symbol charge up with Divine White Light as it balances out your system. Place the Divine White Flame Infinity Symbol in front of each chakra. Notice how good it feels to clear your system.

See and feel the Divine Healing Light surge through your whole body, filling every cell with healing energy. Feel this Light of Divinity purifying and cleansing your body, mind and auric field of negative thoughts and feelings. Feel your whole self immersed in this Divine White Light. Feel the power and pure potential of this offering. Stay centred in this experience as long as you wish.

Moving to Zero Point With the Infinite and Eternal Ray

Place a large Infinity Symbol in front of your heart chakra. Breathe into your heart while you place the centre-point of the Infinity Symbol inside your heart. Place your feet on the ground and notice how your body hemispheres start to come into balance with the help of the Infinity Symbol.

Notice the opposites meeting as One in the center-point. The centre-point of Infinity becomes the GATEWAY to ZERO POINT CONSCIOUSNESS. Opposites such as: right/left, male/female, light/dark, good/bad, yin/yang are neutralized with the power of the Infinity Loop as they meet in the centre-point and become ONE. Know that your heart holds the key to this transformative experience and the Infinity Ray is the catalyst to assist.

Closing Remarks

The Infinite and Eternal Ray embodies the qualities of Source. Other names for Source are: All That Is, The Now, Zero Point Consciousness, The Infinite, Oneness. The common thread is the vibration of Unconditional Love.

When one rests in the Bliss of Being, one feels a sense of deep peace and love. It’s a gentle, calm, all-encompassing sense of coming Home to oneself. I have experienced this depth of peace and cherish these Divine and Holy moments.

The gateway to the Infinite lies within us. The intention of these foundational Healing Portals is to prepare you to meet Your Infinite Nature! You are ONE WITH ALL THAT IS and to experience this will change your life.

It brings tears to my eyes to write this. I am deeply honoured that you have shared this journey with me. It is worth every moment of effort to find your Inner God/Goddess/All That Is Consciousness.

I ask and intend that you continue to search and explore the mysteries of existence. May your lives be enriched by this search and may you never give up your curiosity and creative urge to grow and expand.

Humanity and the earth need your intelligence and inner wisdom NOW to light the way forward. Know that Source works through you and It will inform your life. All you need to do is ask and then CREATE, CREATE, CREATE!

Thank you for sharing the Infinity Portal: The Infinite and Eternal Ray. May you be blessed as you continue your precious journey to discover your Infinite and Eternal Nature.


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